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The Pop Five

May 3, 2013


This week was kind of bonkers. Truly, last weekend really was the definition of the word. Dan came home late Friday evening from his work retreat and I was relieved to see him after three days of doing the solo mama thing (which went surprisingly well, by the way, but I was a teeny bit jealous imagining him at work dinners and sleeping eight hours straight) only to have him pass a kidney stone around 11 a.m. on Saturday morning. Always an adventure! He’s on the mend, but honestly they should be a bit more specific during the sickness and health part during marriage vows. Talk about up close and personal. Here’s to a weekend with zero E.R. visits! Make it a good one.



Isn’t this photography project amazing?

Image: Courtesy of 22 Words


I make pizza dough weekly, but never attempted breadmaking (despite it being very similar ingredients) until now. This one is very simple to make (it just requires time for rising) and so good! Plus, is there anything better than freshly baked bread, hot out of the oven?

Mix up a mint julep, the Kentucky Derby is this weekend! This 60 Minutes piece on Rosie Napravnik is fantastic and will get you in the mood for the race. Go Mylute (and Rosie)!


I’m daydreaming of somewhere to wear this number and a reason to buy it. Obsessed.


Who says hostels have to blah? Check out these chic rooms that look more boutique hotel than hostel.

Image: Joao Pedro Marnoto for The New York Times

