Postcards from Italy
We here at dp hq take our journalism and reporting duties quite seriously. Because of this, I have reporters dispatched in various bureaus throughout the world. Ahem… truth be told, my best friend is in Lecce, Italy, at The Awaiting Table Cookery School, so this week’s travel posting contains snippets of what she’s soaking in.
And in today’s tech age the physical postcard has now been altered to text messaging, here’s the abbreviated text with photos…
Gustate! (English translation – everyone, enjoy!)

Cappucino. Delicious. Apparently they won’t serve cappucino after noon. I was tempted to just order espresso and steamed milk. They have lots of rules. Pizza only at night…Rough life. Liters of wine for 6 dollars. Ah. Italia.

Cannoli – Molto buono


At el mercato porta rudiae



Picnic lunch at the park


Making capeletti

Nicole making pasta

Giuseppe. Our teacher.

Uh rabbit…

Fatal attraction

Fried squash blossom

Learning how to kill rabbits



Antipasti course

Cooking pasta

Passing pasta