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Happy Feet

June 25, 2013


I am a firm believer that the best way to see a city is by foot and when I travel I tend to be pretty active. Some of my fondest travel memories involve exercise. Hiking the path to see Poás volcano in Costa Rica, kayaking in Deep Cove, Vancouver or going for a run with my brother and sister in the Red Mountains of Colorado. And on the flip side, some disastrous travel memories involve the wrong shoes. In case you’re wondering, walking around in zero support flip flops in the middle of July in Key West will give you feet that look like they lost a fight.

I’ve learned my lesson the hard way that when traveling, whether it’s through the mile-long customs line or trekking though the never-ending maze of outdoor market vendors, your feet require both something functional and cute. When shopping for multifunctional shoes, I look for ones that could be worn all day, for instance, comfortably roaming a city (can even pair well with a Maxi dress), but not look as if you’re going to pick up your race number at the starting line. (Seriously, can non-runners stop wearing these?)

Here are my favorite sporty shoes to pack on any trip. Also, if you’re so inclined to work up a sweat in your hotel room, this scientifically proven workout sounds pretty fantastic (and efficient!).


1. Lilac Snow Crochet Women’s Classics, Toms
2. Limited Edition Bleach Star Sneakers, Bensimon, Shop Bop
3. Chuck Taylor Side Zip, Converse
4. Verbena Shoe, Roxy, Swell
5. Madeira Women’s Wedges, Puma
6. Air Bacara, Maria Sharapova by Cole Haan, Piperlime
