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The Pop Five

August 16, 2013


After going back and forth as to whether we’d sign Margaret up for a fall session with Parents’ Morning Out, we hired a nanny this week. It is a great fit for our family, but I always go through a bit of a freak out with any sort of change, so that’s been the biggie in our household lately. Poor Dan! Shaun, our nanny, brings so many great things to the table (she’s heavy on the creative play with arts and crafts, field trips and good old-fashioned cuddles) so I feel very confident in the notion that if I cannot be with Margaret, she’s with someone who is very well-qualified and cares deeply about her well-being. But, as most mothers know, it’s hard building that trust and accepting the change. And despite it being an excellent fit on paper (and in real life), it doesn’t tackle the emotional aspect we feel as mothers, now does it?


Childcare aside, here were the best things I found on the web this week.


Ernest Greene, A.K.A. Washed Out, released his sophomore album on Tuesday, Paracosm, and it’s as equally brilliant as, Within & Without.


After reading one of the most depressing articles ever written on the subject of the work-life-motherhood balance, I was feeling meh. Then, I headed to Buzzfeed for Pinterest fails. All is right in the world. #NailedIt


My summertime recipe repertoire is feeling a little stale, but leave it to Everybody Likes Sandwiches to inject some wholesome ideas! Cannot wait to make this one.

Image: Courtesy of 


My friend, Rachael, recently told me about Postagram, the free app that lets you send sweet postcards from your phone for only $0.99 (includes postage). I’m obsessed and have already sent three in as many days.


This is a couple of weeks old, but I finally had a chance to look at the Fallen Princesses exhibit online. It’s unbelievably powerful.

Image: © Dina Goldstein
