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Marfa, Texas

September 3, 2013


Do you know that thing that happens when you’ve never heard of something and then it keeps appearing in your life? That thing recently is Marfa, Texas, for me.

I first read about Marfa when my friend Kari traveled to the arts Mecca in the middle of nowhere, west Texas on her fantastic roadtrip last year (her whole journey is chronicled here). I’ve since had several conversations for a project I’m working on with the fine folks at the legendary Marfa Book Company. Then I heard about it here and here. So, that seals the destination portion, now onto some companions.


My sisters, Ann and Susan, and I – we like to travel together. I can’t call them annual sisters’ trips because they aren’t that structured. Usually it’s whenever we could afford the time away with the short jaunts serving as a great connector for us away from our daily lives and gives us something to hold onto between holidays and visits to each others’ homes. It’s been several years since we’ve gone anywhere together because well, life got in the way, taking a backseat to babies, businesses, and budgets.

From what I’ve read, I think Marfa would be such a fantastic spot to share with my sisters. Between the wildness of the land, creative energy, and quiet beauty, I bet it would be remarkable. While Austin and Dallas get most of the attention in the state, this culturally lush town appears to be something seriously special. My wish is that my sisters and I can resume traveling together in 2014 and that Marfa would be the destination.

Marfa Image: © Maison Gray
