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The Pop Five

August 9, 2013


Do you ever feel stuck in your life? From about March through July, I can say I felt absolutely stagnant. My life seemed very regimented and status quo and creatively nothing. Then, one Saturday morning few weeks back (July 20, to be exact), I went to a yoga class and the instructor told us that the Mercury retrograde was over.

Now, I don’t fully dive into the whole astrology thing, but there was something going on in the universe for certain. Most people I know were struggling with technology … missing emails, lost connections, computers breaking down, iPhone issues, that sort of thing.

Me, I was just stuck. I felt like my career and creative energy were both in quicksand. And since that day in July, well, I’m unstuck. Seems I’m not alone; there’s some wildly creative, interesting things happening all around us, everyday. Here are my favorites from the week.


Super smart Dave Whitling, wildly talented Chuck Reese, and my brilliant, dear friend Kyle Tibbs Jones, launched The Bitter Southerner. Long-format, meaty reading every Tuesday … I’m in love!


A hearty hooray for the sales of the Washington Post and The Boston Globe this week! Walter Isaacson and NPR had great commentary about both.

Image: Courtesy of AP


The Atlantic Wire covered Lena Dunham’s speech at a political fundraiser where she pondered the next Patti Smith potentially trading in NYC-borough life for Tampa. Dunham’s point is excellent food for thought.

Image: Courtesy of HBO


Can we all agree how horrible television is in the summertime? If it weren’t for Apple TV (and The Newsroom) I’d be relegated to playing board games and reading a book. (What year is this?) But, I hear this is one to watch, right now. It looks so dramatic!

Image: Courtesy of BBC


Kayce Hughes, the niece of Lily Pulitzer, makes stylish, classic, lovely clothes for women and children. Stock up with its 75% off sale!
