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July 25, 2012

I’ve been all over the map with my summer reading. From this (for work), to this (I found the entire series meh, at best), to this (re-reading), here are my recommendations.

If there’s one book you should read right now, it’s Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I. Could. Not. Put. It. Down. Seriously, stayed up WAY too late every night until I finished it (in perhaps record speed, beating out last year’s fast-paced read of The Help). It lives up to the hype.

Chick-lit queen, Emily Giffin’s latest book, Where We Belong just released yesterday. I cannot wait to fly through it. And be sure to check back on these pages next week where I’ll publish my interview with the witty author who happens to be a fellow Atlantan.

I breezed through Wild, which I wrote about briefly, here. It’s a compelling work of a woman who, while in the midst of huge life changes (a divorce and loss of a parent), hikes the Pacific Crest Trail alone. So brave.

Elton John recently released his memoir titled, Love is the Cure: On Life, Loss, and the End of AIDS. I grew up in a house where Elton John ruled beyond the stereo (we even had the Captain Fantastic pinball machine!), and as a creative person, I’ve always been intrigued by his relationship with lyrics writer, Bernie Taupin. It’s a partnership that has lasted (very successfully) for 47 years. The NPR interview that ran last week is incredible. Listen here.

I haven’t addressed this yet, but as a woman writer, it doesn’t get any better than Nora Ephron. Her words are the perfect combination of eloquence while still having the ability to be a ballbuster. I Remember Nothing: And Other Reflections, is the last book she wrote before passing away last month at 71.

What’s summer without a little eye candy? Though the pre-order reviews have been less than stellar, blogger Emily Schuman of Cupcakes and Cashmere’s gorgeous book about style and entertaining goes on sale August 1. This one begs for a nightstand or coffee table display for the pretty pictures alone. You can read my interview with Emily from back in 2009, here.

Now, go. Fill that head of yours with great story.

Tomato Tart

July 18, 2012

Our house is located in the heart of Atlanta, but an interesting juxtaposition to our city living is the co-op farm situated just behind us. And right now, we are so spoiled with a ridiculous supply of ginormous eggplants, tomatoes in every color of the rainbow, endless squash and zucchini, and beans that are so good they require no dressing up.

After my friend who farms behind us gave me a canvas bag full of gorgeous tomatoes, I was in search of a recipe that would use an abundance of them before they spoiled. So, I made this tomato tart. The recipe here calls for it to be rustic, but I made it somewhat fancy and actually used a tart pan for more of a formed dish. It was incredible for dinner. And even better the next day for lunch. I can’t say this would taste the same if you used grocery store tomatoes, as they are the star ingredient, and this tart certainly requires a great variety of peak-season toms.

This is exactly what July should taste like.

A Cappella

July 11, 2012

Whenever I see one of these sayings on magnets or greeting cards I have to laugh. “Sing like no one is listening.” Ha! I cannot carry a tune to save my life. Like if the ship were going down in a wreck, I wouldn’t be the one that should be singing in the lifeboats, or whatever that Voltaire quote says. If I’m really going to throw myself under the bus with this revelation, I might as well take others with me–not one person in my family can sing either. Usually singing goes hand and hand with having musical interest, and I have neither. I’ve known this from a fairly young age.

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Road Trip Tunes

July 4, 2012

My husband and I often travel to Florida and Ohio for vacations and holidays, so we’re pretty used to making those almost 7-hour trips. Last month, we decided that in conjunction with me being on assignment for MSN to cover Bonnaroo and since it coordinated (almost perfectly) with a planned bi-annual family vacation in Michigan, we would drive the whole thing (all 14 hours of it). We road-tripped from Georgia to Michigan with one shut down highway, countless bathroom stops, loads of conversation, one horrific avocado experience on a sandwich, and sadly, zero Chick-Fil-A. (Why is it I always want it on a Sunday?)

Boy I wish I would’ve created a decent playlist before we left. But, because I didn’t, I can now fill it with amazing bands I heard at the festival mixed with loads of my other favorites … score. Here’s the summer road trip playlist for 2012, ready for a listen throughout the holiday week.

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Cool Summer

June 27, 2012

I’m still reeling from the incredibly kind words and comments about last week’s piece. Thank you. Now, let’s chat about dessert!

Sometime around St. Patrick’s Day while poking around on Pinterest, I saw an abundance of foods dyed in green for the holiday. I came across a pastel green-hued cookie thinking it was some from-scratch masterpiece. told a different story. The recipe calls for a box of Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix with crème de menthe baking chips, food coloring, mint extract and chocolate chunks. My kind of concoction (though I’m not normally particularly fond of a bunch of dye in my food).

You can find the full recipe for the cookies here. However, I tweaked the recipe after walking out of two grocery stores empty handed with those pesky crème de menthe baking chips nowhere to be found. Instead I used dark chocolate mint M&M’s for a semi-monster cookie effect.

Well, then I added a healthy slather of vanilla Graeters between two of these bad boys and created mint chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches. The sandwiches are a somewhat deconstructed version of mint chocolate chip ice cream and are cool, creamy, and sweet–just the thing for summer. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, by all means, churn out your own pint of ice cream and whip up a batch of your favorite homemade sugar cookies. I, on the other hand, felt just fine taking the shortcut.

Seith, Party of Three

June 20, 2012

Again, that’s Seith,* party of three. That’s right. We’re having a baby! Now you can see from the Bonnaroo piece two weeks ago where I wrote about covering a music festival in the middle of Tennessee for four days just might put me in the crazy category. Well, what I didn’t say then is that interviewing rock stars and filing 20 stories in 96 hours where the only toilet option on site was a Porta-Potty was just about the last thing I thought I’d do while four-and-a-half months pregnant. Talk about exhausted, as you can see from this photo where I’m taking a breather backstage.

I wasn’t entirely sure how I’d handle this portion of the baby, the telling the world part, especially for those of you that live so far away. It seems a bit impersonal and showy at the same time. But, here goes. This little bundle in my belly has been a tough secret to keep. Those in Atlanta know (me being 5’2” in a wedge sandal and all) that I’m past the stage of, “Wow you look different and like you’ve really been enjoying having your face buried in a tray of donuts, but I’m not sure if you’re pregnant.” It’s pretty obvious at this point what’s going on underneath my shirt, but I forget there’s a whole world out there that doesn’t get to see this growing Buddha belly in action. So, now seems as good of a time as any to spill the beans, especially since I’m just over 20 weeks into creating a home for this little kangaroo.

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Taking a Breather

June 13, 2012

This week I’m staying in a house on Lake Michigan with my entire family on our bi-annual vacation. Here’s a bit of what I’ve been soaking up the past few days.

Best of the Fests

June 6, 2012

If you would’ve told me this time last year that I’d be about to cover a four-day music festival on a 700-acre farm in the middle of Tennessee for work, I’d think you were crazy. And after you read the danapop piece slated in a couple of weeks in which I drop a bit of news, you’ll realize I am in fact the one that’s nuts.

Yes, I’m headed to Bonnaroo. While covering an event like this is incredibly rewarding and certainly one of the perks of the job, it’s very hard work. It’ll be filled with loads of running around to secure interviews, capture specific images, and well, just being in the right place at the right time. I cannot wait to see Radiohead, Bon Iver, the Avett Brothers, Rodrigo y Gabriela with C.U.B.A., the Temper Trap, the Shins–and oh my goodness–Kenny Rogers and Alice Cooper. It’s going to be amazing.

For all the running around, I know I’ll need a few great pieces to wear throughout the long days and nights in the sweltering Southern heat. The clothing needs to be lightweight and practical, while also still being cute and professional all at once. That means my beloved wedges are obviously out, as are stifling synthetic fabrics. As much as I want to pack this donut (I’m obsessed with this girl’s tutorial. Not sure if it’s the accent or the braces or her use of the phrase “bobby clips,” but I think it’s hilarious.) though, I’m afraid it should be saved for a fancier occasion where tank tops and Toms aren’t involved. Well, that and the fact that I chopped off some significant inches last week, inspired from this chic style, here.

Hairstyles aside, are you headed to a big music fest this year? Here’s the roundup of festival clothes and accessories ready for the packing.

1. Seagrass Trilby, Topshop 2. Tribal  Zig Zag Strap Dress, Shop Sosie 3. Dr. T’s Supergoop! Sunscreen Swipes, Beso 4. The Canvas Snapshot Bag, Madewell 5. Ahoy Stripe Tank Top, Quicksilver 6. Gypsy Tour Thresher Nap Shorts, Quicksilver 7. Elastic Strap Gladiator Sandal, American Eagle Outfitters 8. Wayfarer #31, Deck Specks 9. Lemlem Losha Gauze Scarf, J. Crew 10. Double Layer T-Shirt, Oasis

The Spell of Savannah

May 30, 2012

This time of year is proving to be a bit nutty with work travel. I just got back from a press trip to Savannah, and the next two weeks you’ll read about where else I’m headed. It’s all great fun, and there’s so much to write about. First things first, a piece on Savannah.

I’ve been to Savannah, Ga. quite a few times, but I must say this last time was certainly filled with the royal treatment–beginning with the fact that I didn’t have to make the four-hour drive solo from Atlanta to Savannah. I felt so spoiled taking a flight that’s so short there’s no drink service, but boy did it help me save my energy for all the exploring. Savannah at its core is not unlike Charleston or all those other little spots along the Ga, and S.C. barrier that I’ve written about here and here. There’s just something about them all that is charming and wonderful, but each place is still special and unique. While it’s still in Ga., it has such a different feel than the bustle (if you can call anything outside of NYC bustle) of Atlanta. Here’s the pop on where to eat, sleep, and wander while in Savannah.

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It’s My Party

May 23, 2012

And yes, you most certainly have every right to cry, pout, or even be a hysterical mess if you want to. But, why? I used to be one of them. One of those stressed out control freaks (ask anyone) when I hosted people in my home. Honestly I think I made everyone around me (including the dog) uncomfortable with my nervous energy and unwillingness to just re-to-the-lax.

I think the idea of hosting an event–no matter if it’s inside your home or at your favorite restaurant–is to make people feel comfortable. It’s a chance to loosen up a bit, to come together and create a memory beyond watching “Girls” off the TiVo with a couple of Ritter bars and one glass of red wine too many. Ahem, no judgment here.

Through the years I’ve hosted or planned my fair share of baby showers, dinner parties, restaurant opening parties, and cocktail happy hours. The universal guidelines remain the same. Here are a few tid-bits I’ve picked up along the way…

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