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The Great Pumpkin

November 18, 2008

I’m not a hater. Really. I mostly try to accept people and things as they are. But there is that ONE thing (and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone on this)…Rachael Ray. Like, I really can’t stand her. For multiple reasons; overuse of acronyms, inability to tell funny jokes, addressing adults as kids or kiddos, calling sandwiches sammies, referring to her husband as “her sweetie,” and a horrific recipe repertoire, for starters.

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Girl Drink Drunk

November 7, 2008

The cocktail trend has really run the gamut the past couple of years from pomegranate everything to the floating lychee garnish to scores of drinks that end in “tini” to the recent “south of the border” influx on bar menus (personally, I think people just like saying words like Caipirinha and Mojito, they just roll off the tongue).

Cocktail consumption goes in stages – with a noticeable divide running between the pre and post college imbibing style. And as there’s an increase in salary and social functions where you can’t act like an arsehole anymore (weddings, work events, holidays with significant other’s family) one has to be a bit more circumspect.

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Jammin’ on the One

October 24, 2008

I am usually no good with these sorts of things – recipe exchanges. Well, if we’re being totally honest, recipes and exchanges that involve spontaneity. I’m good with things that involve advance notice of in-law visits or making something sweet concocted with peppermint extract during the month of December – I can handle that sort of preparation.

My twin sister is a funny little thing. We’re very similar in some ways, but opposites in a lot more ways. She’s very willy-nilly and I love her for it – willy-nilly doesn’t really come into mind when people describe me, so I’ve heard.

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Carrot Cake & Wine

October 17, 2008

There’s a really great Stereophonics song called Carrot Cake & Wine. My interpretation of that song is that a big chunk of life is about finding that sliver of something you’re passionate about, and a quiet place to savor it.

I’ve always liked the sentiment behind the song and I see the analogy reflected in so much of life. And so it seemed the perfect combination for the season – the deep red of the wine, the muted ivory of the icing, and cheery freckles of spices and lovely orange carrots for the cupcakes. So, here’s to all the bites of carrot (cup)cake(s) and sips of wine you can handle.

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