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The Pop Five

October 11, 2013


Fall is in the air in Atlanta. We plan on enjoying the gorgeous weather this weekend and head here tomorrow for some pumpkin patch fun just outside the city.

Here are my favorite things from this past week.


I might need to invest in a cast-iron skillet to make this deliciousness from the November issue of Food & Wine.

Image © John Kernick


I remember when this original piece published in New York Magazine. I’m fascinated by the recap of where these women ended up 15 years later.


I’m so drawn to this piece on Santa Cruz in the most recent T Magazine. I had no idea the sister team behind Rodarte are from a town just outside of there. In my next life, my twin sister, Ann and I will work together!

Image: Photographs by Stephen Shore. Styled by Ashley Furnival at Jed Root.


I’m totally using this template for a Pac Man pumpkin this year.

Gogo Ferguson’s tour of Cumberland Island on CBS Sunday Morning is such a gorgeous segment.

The Pop Five

October 4, 2013


If superheroes were real living things, I must let you know that I’ve been one for the past week or so. Here’s what I was up against: one very sick Margaret, which made me very sick, two visits to the doctor (for Margaret), one allergic reaction to antibiotics (again, Margaret), Dan in DC for work, the first bit of press about a book project I’m working on published, which led to loads of phone calls and emails and all sorts of other great stuff with me having to respond talking like Demi Moore because I can’t breathe through my nose. Oh, and Otis ate a pair of Margaret’s socks and lived to tell (err bark) about it.

Please do not take this as me complaining. Having a week like this makes me feel as if I can accomplish anything in life. If I can manage all this, there truly isn’t anything I cannot do. And there’s no greater gift than that message. I’m grateful for this week and all the support I’ve had (from near and far) about the Clermont book.

But, if everything went away tomorrow, I’ll know I’ve been promoted to superhero status. So there’s that.

Enjoy your weekend!



I started watching Scandal quite late. I only finished season two on Netflix Wednesday, just in time to be up to speed for season three’s premiere last night. Good thing I didn’t play this drinking game or else I’d still be hammered.


Doesn’t the Smithsonian exhibit, Yoga: The Art of Transformation sound so interesting? It opens Saturday, October 19 in Washington, D.C.


I ♥ Tennessee Williams. If I lived in NYC, I’d want to see this! The modern set looks stunning.

Image: Courtesy of Michael J. Lutch


A horticulture firm in England created a tomato and potato hybrid called the TomTato. I’m intrigued and think it would be amazing in a steak salad!

Image: Courtesy of BBC


An artist mom collaborating with her four-year-old is genius.

Image: Courtesy of via Buzzfeed

The Pop Five

September 27, 2013


This weekend I plan on taking it easy. Dan’s work is always nutty this time of year and I’m wrapping up several big projects, so I don’t really want to make a bunch of plans. Plus, I’m still reeling from Wednesday’s season finale of, Broadchurch. Did not see that one coming.


It’s officially #sweaterweather. I’m digging this one. Speaking of #hashtags, this video that flooded every social media outlet recently is hilarious.


Fall, sweaters, and football! My gorgeous niece, Emily, made USA Today!


Different people have different measures of success. I’m just putting it out there that the second I can afford a Jenny Packham dress and have an actual need to wear it I’ll have made it (if only in my mind). This one is so striking.


My sister-in-law recently introduced me to Pepperplate. I can’t wait to noodle around on this site and app.


Don’t these Honey Chai Roasted Almonds look amazing?

The Pop Five

September 13, 2013


Fall always feels exceptionally busy at our house. It begins in September with Dan starting birthday season for all of us (September 18) with Margaret and me following in November, anniversaries (the launch of danapop on October 14, wedding October 18) and then Thanksgiving and Christmas. So, I’m gearing up for all that.

It’s a festive and fun time in our house, and all of our favorite. This week, particularly, I’m feeling a bit nostalgic because it was a year ago this time that my family and friends threw my baby shower. It’s hard to remember Margaret in my belly, but I look back at it all so fondly.

However, through the reminiscing, I managed to find some great things on the web this week.

This is a really cool timelapse video from Saturday night’s lantern parade on Atlanta’s Beltline. So fun!


After working in news for years and working at CNN on September 11, 2001 it’d be tough to not mention that day here. This piece, about this photograph originally printed in Esquire’s September 2003 issue. It makes me weep.

Image: AP Photo/Richard Drew/FILE via Esquire


OK, I need to lighten it up a bit and this cowboy soundtrack by children’s book author Sandra Boynton sounds absolutely adorable. I just know my little blue-grass loving bebe will love it.

Image: Courtesy of Sandra Boynton via NPR


One of my favorite writers, Ruth Reichl, just inked a three-book fiction deal with Random House. Cannot wait to read what she puts out in this genre.

Image: Courtesy of AP


While we’re on the subject, I read (and loved) Wild by Cheryl Strayed and the story out this week on her long-long half-sister finding her after the release of her book is just as wild!

Image: Joni Kabana/Courtesy Knopf

The Pop Five

September 6, 2013


I tend to get in fashion ruts. Anything denim, black, and striped appear to be my go-to styles, mostly. Well, since September is all about endless inspiration with Vogue’s legendary thick issue and the start of New York Fashion Week yesterday, this week’s installment of the Pop Five includes fashionable finds.

Here’s to wearing something unexpected this weekend!



I love a good U.K. import and my friend, Mara, clued me in that Bloomingdale’s is having an invasion at the moment with select exclusives on British designers. I’m obsessed with this Karen Millen dress. (And plaid is so on trend!)


I love the adorable blog, Pirouette. Its covers kiddo fashion, travel, and family. Isn’t this crochet camera so sweet?

Image: Courtesy of La de Dah Kids via Pirouette


Maybe it’s my Midwestern roots, but for me one of the best parts about autumn is the sweater selection. I adore ones from Pure Collection, which contain every color and style imaginable to flatter anyone.

Image: Courtesy of Pure Collection


Fashion often begins with accessories and handbags, and stylists from here to here preach investing in the good stuff. Check out Bella Bag. The luxury shop is owned by Cassandra Connors, who sources authentic vintage, designer handbags and sells them both in her showroom (in Atlanta) and online.


One of the most recognizable names in the realm of fashion blogging is Garance Doré and while her site is gorgeous, I love her whimsical illustrations even more.

Image: Courtesy of Garance Doré

The Pop Five

August 30, 2013


I had a pretty low-key week with several projects wrapping up, which feels good. However, this holiday weekend will be lively. My mother and her girlfriends, the “Lindas”, are in town until Monday. I have plans to show them a great time in Atlanta.

Happy Labor Day, all … here’s to making it an unlabored one.


My perpetual state of wanderlust has me loving The Londoner. I stumbled across it recently and it’s such a beautiful blog. (I fully admit I’m very late to the game on this one, as it’s extremely popular!)

Image: Courtesy of The Londoner


For all my need to travel, I’m kind of having a moment with Atlanta. Maybe it’s because Margaret was born here, giving us more roots than before, but lately, I’m falling back in love with this city. I’m hanging out with creative, interesting people, doing creative, interesting things that don’t require talking about Honey Boo Boo or Miley Cyrus’s VMA performance.

Image: Courtesy of Scoutmob Shoppe


Burned out war photographer Eric Bouvet is now documenting love with soul stirring results. Check it out.

Image: © Eric Bouvet


Speaking of love, the morning nip in the air when Margaret and I walk Otis tells me it’s almost fall and that we’re approaching the season my daughter made her debut outside my belly. We’re already starting to toy around with the idea of a first birthday party. It will be based off her favorite book, which these days waffles between smelling the flowers with The Story of Ferdinand and taking a stroll in the deep dark wood with The Gruffalo. So hard to choose!


I read, The Smartest Kids in the World piece in Sunday’s Book Review. It’s quite interesting and I predict that American education in a global economy will become a very hot topic in the next few years.

Image: Courtesy of Marc Rosenthal

The Pop Five

August 23, 2013


I had a very busy, but mostly fun week. For starters, Margaret had a play date with her friend, Aria. Because I’m new to the whole mom scene, I didn’t quite know how these things work. (Do we bring something?) It ended up being great fun to catch up with Aria’s mom, Kelly, and see the girls play. (And by play I mean Margaret terrorizing their dog, trying to sit on Aria’s lap a couple of times, and screeching at the top of her lungs all around their house.)

Here’s to using your inside voice this weekend.



Prince gets Meta on his new album cover. Genius.


Is it wrong that I could watch this GIF for an hour and not get bored?


My favorite writing client to date is a blowout and makeup salon called GlowDry. I’ve done all the creative copy for their website, which included conceptualizing the ready, set, glow tagline, coming soon storefront signage, email newsletter, social media sites. I’m so excited that it opens tomorrow! I got my hair done during the soft open this week and aren’t their shirts so cute? Plus, we had great press on DailyCandy this week.


I wrote about my brilliant friend, Liz, here. Well, now, she’s released her first book! And it’s gorgeous! I’ve downloaded it on my Kindle and you should too. Or, if you prefer a hard copy, you can purchase it here.


I don’t snack a ton, but sometimes in the late afternoon I really want something. This list of 85 healthy snacks is fantastic.

The Pop Five

August 16, 2013


After going back and forth as to whether we’d sign Margaret up for a fall session with Parents’ Morning Out, we hired a nanny this week. It is a great fit for our family, but I always go through a bit of a freak out with any sort of change, so that’s been the biggie in our household lately. Poor Dan! Shaun, our nanny, brings so many great things to the table (she’s heavy on the creative play with arts and crafts, field trips and good old-fashioned cuddles) so I feel very confident in the notion that if I cannot be with Margaret, she’s with someone who is very well-qualified and cares deeply about her well-being. But, as most mothers know, it’s hard building that trust and accepting the change. And despite it being an excellent fit on paper (and in real life), it doesn’t tackle the emotional aspect we feel as mothers, now does it?


Childcare aside, here were the best things I found on the web this week.


Ernest Greene, A.K.A. Washed Out, released his sophomore album on Tuesday, Paracosm, and it’s as equally brilliant as, Within & Without.


After reading one of the most depressing articles ever written on the subject of the work-life-motherhood balance, I was feeling meh. Then, I headed to Buzzfeed for Pinterest fails. All is right in the world. #NailedIt


My summertime recipe repertoire is feeling a little stale, but leave it to Everybody Likes Sandwiches to inject some wholesome ideas! Cannot wait to make this one.

Image: Courtesy of 


My friend, Rachael, recently told me about Postagram, the free app that lets you send sweet postcards from your phone for only $0.99 (includes postage). I’m obsessed and have already sent three in as many days.


This is a couple of weeks old, but I finally had a chance to look at the Fallen Princesses exhibit online. It’s unbelievably powerful.

Image: © Dina Goldstein

The Pop Five

August 9, 2013


Do you ever feel stuck in your life? From about March through July, I can say I felt absolutely stagnant. My life seemed very regimented and status quo and creatively nothing. Then, one Saturday morning few weeks back (July 20, to be exact), I went to a yoga class and the instructor told us that the Mercury retrograde was over.

Now, I don’t fully dive into the whole astrology thing, but there was something going on in the universe for certain. Most people I know were struggling with technology … missing emails, lost connections, computers breaking down, iPhone issues, that sort of thing.

Me, I was just stuck. I felt like my career and creative energy were both in quicksand. And since that day in July, well, I’m unstuck. Seems I’m not alone; there’s some wildly creative, interesting things happening all around us, everyday. Here are my favorites from the week.


Super smart Dave Whitling, wildly talented Chuck Reese, and my brilliant, dear friend Kyle Tibbs Jones, launched The Bitter Southerner. Long-format, meaty reading every Tuesday … I’m in love!


A hearty hooray for the sales of the Washington Post and The Boston Globe this week! Walter Isaacson and NPR had great commentary about both.

Image: Courtesy of AP


The Atlantic Wire covered Lena Dunham’s speech at a political fundraiser where she pondered the next Patti Smith potentially trading in NYC-borough life for Tampa. Dunham’s point is excellent food for thought.

Image: Courtesy of HBO


Can we all agree how horrible television is in the summertime? If it weren’t for Apple TV (and The Newsroom) I’d be relegated to playing board games and reading a book. (What year is this?) But, I hear this is one to watch, right now. It looks so dramatic!

Image: Courtesy of BBC


Kayce Hughes, the niece of Lily Pulitzer, makes stylish, classic, lovely clothes for women and children. Stock up with its 75% off sale!

Reading Rocks

August 6, 2013


A good book has always been my retreat, but once I had Margaret my leisurely reading dwindled. My Kindle swiftly was replaced by child rearing-centric reads. In an effort to get small pieces of myself apart from motherhood, I’ve started reading whatever I want again and it’s like finding a familiar friend.

Here are my picks on what to read right now.

1. The Astronaut Wives Club by Lily Koppel. As a kid I dreamed of going to space. As an adult I’ll settle for reading about the ladies who were handling the day-to-day back home.

2. Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls by Anton DiSclafani. This book will stick with me for a long time. Wow.

3. Contagious by Jonah Berger. I loved Jonah Berger’s interview on … smart, smart man.

4. The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. Recommended by the fine folks at DailyCandy, I just began reading about sweet Harold Fry’s journey … so far, so good!

5. Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris. David Sedaris can do no wrong.

6. Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight. As the mother of a daughter, this was a tough read, but it had me hooked from the first chapter. It’s a nail biter and Buzzfeed put in on their list of Books to Read Before They Hit the Big Screen.

7. Saving Normal by Allen Frances. After reading this article on The Daily Beast, this one is next on my list.

8. Florence Broadhurst: Her Secret & Extraordinary Lives by Helen O’Neill. My friend, Lisa, recommended this one and it’s the perfect beach read.
